Home Community Forums Pilot cases Estonia – Cyprus Armenian Cucumber (Cucumis Melo var. Flexuosus)

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    Estonia (EMU) & Cyprus (CUT) | Fruity vegetables Vertical leader: EMU

    Cucumis melo var. Flexuosus is a scabrid or hispid, scrambling or climbing, annual or perennial plant of the gourd family. Although botanically is a muskmelon, this fruit looks and tastes like a cucumber. It can be used in a variety of ways including in salads and stir fry dishes. It grows in very poor soils and has moderate requirements for irrigation water.
    Current status: Cultivated in western Asia from Armenia and Turkey south along the eastern Mediterranean to Egypt. It could be extended in protected environments (greenhouse) from South to North Europe.
    Main properties: It contains water (90%), carbohydrates (9%), and minimal protein and fat.
    Nutrition/health: It is a rich source of vitamin A and vitamin C, with other nutrients at a negligible level and minimal calories. Fruits may be harvested for use in a variety of ways including raw in salads, pasta salads, pickled, sliced, stir fried and in soups.
    Advantages: Environmental resilient (in a protected or free environment), high nutritional value, antioxidant-rich, vegetarian diets, fiber-rich, minimal calories, high potential to enter in the food value chain.

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